Domestic EPC Providers for the LS19 Postcode

For a domestic EPC click here (houses, flats, bungalows etc).

You need an Energy Performance Certificate for your domestic property in the LS19 if you are planning to sell or rent out the property.

EPC For selling purposes. If you are selling a property in the LS19 postcode you must organise your Energy Performance Certificate survey before you market your property for sale. This way the survey will be completed and the EPC issued within the 30 day period allowed. If no Energy Performance Certificate is in place after the property has been marketed for 30 days then it must be removed from all marketing activities.

EPC For Rental Purposes. All properties being offered for rental in the LS19 postcode need to achieve a minimum epc rating of ‘E’ on the energy performance certificate. As with sale properties you must organise an epc survey before marketing your property for rental. A prospective tenant has the right to see the epc to help them decide if the property would be affordable based on the energy rating.

The Regulations apply to all domestic private rented properties that are :

  • let on specific types of tenancy agreement
  • legally required to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

The EPC contains information about a property’s energy use and typical energy costs as well as recommendations about how to reduce energy use and save money.

EPC Graph

Upon completion of an EPC survey the assessor will produce the Energy Performance Certificate which will give the property an energy efficiency rating from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). The EPC will be lodged onto the government register and will be valid for a period of 10 years from the date of issue.

For residential properties in LS19 you will find a local assessor to undertake your Energy Performance Certificate survey at The assessor is fully accredited by the Government and insured to conduct EPC Surveys for both rental and sale properties. We have chosen to reference The EPC Man Network as they have been established since 2012 and are Recognised EPC Suppliers to The National Landlords Association.

Commercial Energy Performance Certificate Information

All commercial buildings in LS19 require an Energy Performance Certificate when constructed, sold or let.

Commercial EPC

If your require an EPC for a commercial property in LS19 then we have chosen as our link as they are the commercial arm of The EPC Man Network.

This EPC is displayed in a similar way to that of a domestic property, with the energy rating shown on an A-G scale. As with a domestic EPC, a commercial EPC is valid for 10 years from the date of issue.

There are many types of commercial premises such as retaurants, pubs, garage premises, office blocks, factory and warehouse premises, doctors surgery, dental surgery, shops and supermarkets, care homes and nursing homes, hair salons and many many more. All of these types of business premises need to have an energy performance certificate in place before marketing the premises for sale or rental.